Emergency Information

Ball Fields

In the case of lightning or rainstorms, all games will be called by the game supervisor. Games will not start again until 30 minutes after thunder stops. If conditions are not favorable, games will be called immediately. The game supervisor will make sure all children have a ride home before leaving the premises.


In case of lighting or rainstorm, the pool will be cleared and no reentry until 30 minutes after thunder stops.


If tornado conditions arise, all present at the ball fields or pool must leave for a safe area.

Yuma Middle School Gym

Tornado safety - Exit to the closest hallway without any windows present. Exit north to the locker room hallway.

Fire emergencies - Exit out of the closest exit and stand at least 100 ft from the building.


Tornado safety - Exit to the closest hallway without any windows present. Exit north to the main hallways.

Fire emergencies - Exit out of the closest exit and stand at least 100 ft. from the building.

Emergency Contacts

Ron Wills at 970-360-9803

Scott Moore at 970-597-0118