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Historic Preservation Board

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The City of Yuma would like to announce we are in the final stages of becoming a Certified Local Government (CLG) through the State Historic Preservation Office and the National Park Service. The benefits on becoming a CLG encourages and expands local involvement in historic preservation activities, access to grant funds, exclusive training, and the potential to increase property values, assist in promoting heritage tourism, and promote community heritage and identity.

We are looking for members that are a professional in architecture, archaeology, history or historic preservation. As a member of the board, you would meet four times a year, review applications for historical designations, and make recommendations to the Yuma City Council.

If you are interested in becoming a member of the local Historic Preservation Board, contact either City Manager, Scott Moore at 970-848-3878 ext. 2107 or Candy Gilliland at 970-848-3878 ext. 2110 by January 24, 2019.